
video / photography / performance

White Cup

The "foreignness" of humans as individuals. Who we are, woman-man, Chinese-Caucasian and the "foreignness" can go further. To what extent is our "foreignness" created by social and cultural environments. Even in daily life and in encounters we remain strangers to one another. The borders do not run between south, north, west or east, nor between heaven and earth. The borders run only between you and me.

In collaboration with solo dancer Tsai Hsin Ying (Kaoshiung, TW)




bared to you and me 

Who we are, who are you, who I am - covered or naked . What is the relation to each other. Is there empathy, is there sense, any interacting or exchange of thoughts, feelings and idea. Even we getting bared to you and me, the border is between you and me In collaboration with Wibke Kahn (Berlin, D)







peel off

In collaboration with Wiebke Kahn (Berlin, D). One pair, one onion. A silent metaphor about relationships, communication and the hidden interior and inner conflict. Layer by layer is removed. However, they made some connection with each other. For example, through verbal communication or through touch. Did they end up becoming even closer and do they feel like they're somehow connected to each other now that the last layer is gone?

Selecion from the portfolio  "Two Girls"

Selection from the portfolio "Mia"