Statement / summary / CV

Several aspects influenced my artistic visions. So far during my artistic career I have lived and worked in several countries in Europe (including Armenia and Russia), Southeast Asia, the Far East, North and South America, Australia and West Africa. Particularly since my time in the Far East, aspects of Zen, Buddhism and Ma philosophy have had a determining influence on my artistic visions and work. However, my personal problems with mental disorders and hearing problems also have a certain influence on my work. Nevertheless, all of these aspects are an important source for my artistic inspiration and perspectives.

The disciplines I work with include video, sound, photography, performance, installation (land art) and printmaking (linocut and digital). The themes of my work relate to relationships and dialogues in the context of between humans and urban and social environments, identity, transitions and boundaries, time, lost and loneliness. As well as topics on mental disorders and around sexuality and gender issues.  Aim is to isolate, catalog, analyze and study these topics or objects in detail. Deepen the context in which they are located, how they differ from one place to another, from neighborhoods or communities. Finally, how they relate to each other and connect with each other. Accordingly, I pay particular attention to the overt, subtle details in the environments we create or inhabit. My interpretations are ultimately embedded experiments through alternating observations and analyzes of our visible and invisible environments and our human behavior.

  • Born in Cologne, Germany 
  • Locations: The Hague, Netherlands / Berlin, Germany
  • Interdisciplinary > video/photography/sound/performance/installation/printmaking/ Social Sculpture Workshops
  • Since 1981 - Participation in exhibitions, projects, video/film/performance festivals, including: Europe, Far East and South Asia,  Australia, North and South America, Caribbean and Africa.
  • Education:
  • 1977–1981 - Dun Laogharie School of Art and Design (IADT) Dublin, Ireland.
  • 1975-1977 - Technical School for Printmaking and Design, Cologne, Germany
  • Some Key data artistic career
  • 2024
  • “ĀBOLOŠANA" project, Aizpute, Latvia. An interdisciplinary, site-specific and intercultural project with themes around time, harvest, autumn and the notion of empty time. It included a video, an installation and an adaptation of the live performance “The Plant”. The project was carried out and supported by the invitation of the cultural association SERDE (Riga-Aizpute, Latvia).
  • 2023
  • Three Interdisciplinary projects “Pedvale”, Pedvale Art Park, Sabile, Latvia / International Workshop  Week (Theme Dignity), Lüben, Germany / ¿Qué Quiere Mostrarme la Ciudad?, No Lugar, Quito, Ecuador. In all three projects there was a significant change in the artistic visions and way of working. These important projects are purely solo projects without any artistic collaboration with other artists .Philosophical thoughts, ideas and autobiographical elements play an increasingly important role within the artistic  concepts.   
  • 2022
  • Participation at the sound project “Autistic Interiors” in The Hague, Netherlands. Under the direction of the German sound artist Anne Wellmer. Sound becomes a new discipline and medium. His work begins more openly to reflect his decades of mental health and hearing problems
  • 2017
  • Further development of the Social Sculpture Workshop into a  workshop for adults and students. First implemented at the Museum of Nonconformist Art, St. Petersburg, Russia. Reading Series and Lecture Series on Art in Public Spaces, University of Karachi, Iris University,  Karachi Art School and Karachi High School, all in Karachi, Pakistan
  • 2016
  • Collaboration with the theater teacher Denise Dröge (Berlin, D) for to develop a Social Sculpture workshop for children.
  • 2014-2022
  • Since 2014, the focus of his work and his artistic visions has been on interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary work
  • multi media and cooperation projects with artists from the fields of dance and theater
  • music and literature. Projects took place in, among others, Taiwan, Nepal, Russia, Armenia, Lithuania,
  • Greece, Netherlands, Germany, Ghana, Mexico and Canada.
  • 2014
  • First video films and performance works. Collaboration with the dancer Tsai Hsin Ying and the Performance artist Kao Yu I at the “Silent Crossing Border” project in Soulang Cultural Park, Tainan, City, Taiwan.
  • 2010-2014
  • Strong focus on photography and experimentation with moving images.
  • 2007
  • First land art and installation objects. Restarts to use photography as medium 
  • 1981-2010
  • Art lecturer at educational institutions in Dublin (IRL) 1981, Taipei (TW) 1991-1995 and The Hague (NL) 2007-2010
  • 1981-2007
  • Areas of work include painting, sculpture, paper collage and printmaking
Johannes Christopher Gerard - Summary/Portfolio
A summary with contact details, key data and portfolio with two interdisciplinary projects
Johannes Christopher Gerard_Summary_Port
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.6 MB